Monaghan Harps Lotto: The numbers for last Sunday's draw were 5, 23, 26 and 28. Jackpot of €1,900 not won. This week's four €40 lucky-dip prize winners were: Glen O'Reilly c/o Dinner Ladies; Jackie Killoran c/o Séamus Treanor; Fionán Gallagher c/o Dinner Ladies; and Michael McEntee c/o ClubZap. The sellers' prize of €20 was won by Ann Treanor. Jackpot for Sunday, February 11 is €2,000. Thanks to everyone for your continued support for our lotto, which plays an integral part for the club and is funding our ongoing development works. Please note that the cut-off point for ClubZap each week is 6pm on Sunday.
Volunteer Award: The Federation of Irish Sport and the National Network of Local Sports Partnerships have honoured our very own Úna Forde with a well-deserved Volunteer in Sport award. Úna works tirelessly in her role as Healthy Club Officer, organising many initiatives that benefit our club and our town. Úna is also an exceptional club volunteer in every way possible and introduces our newest members to the club every year. She was nominated by fellow club member Seán McKenna and we as a club are very fortunate to call Úna one of our own. We send our congratulations and appreciation to Úna as this is a great personal honour for her but also fantastic representation for Monaghan Harps Club. Thank you Úna and congratulations.
Registration: Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership for 2024 so far: your continued support is appreciated. GRMA to our new registrar Claire Ní Dhufaigh for her efforts. It is essential that all players at each grade are registered in advance of training commencing. Míle buíochas.
Ireland Lights Up: Ireland Lights Up has returned to Monaghan Harps GAA Club and will continue each Wednesday through February. Participation is entirely free of charge and suitable for all the family. Registration starts at 7.15pm in the clubhouse foyer. Every walker needs to register on a weekly basis for insurance purposes. Although our route has lighting, we recommend wearing high-vis clothing and carrying a small torch. We will have plenty of volunteers and a fantastic group of walking leaders present every night to ensure a safe and fun event for everyone. Thanks as always to Healthy Club Officer Úna Forde and everyone involved.
Steps Challenge: We are also taking part in the Irish Life Steps Challenge. To join this, download the Irish Life app, go to the steps challenge, then Ulster GAA and search for Monaghan Harps. We have achieved the goal of covering 4,000 km to go into a draw to win €2,500 for their club.
Sympathy: At the club's monthly meeting for February, our committee passed votes of sympathy to the families of Eileen Morgan and James Dunlop. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.
Ahead of the Game programme: We hosted a mental health and resilience session delivered by the GAA/GPA's Movember ahead of the game programme on Monday night. This session was piloted with our U-16 girls, so thanks to their players, coaches and parents who supported it and to our Healthy Club Officer Úna Forde. GRMA to facilitators Anton Tohill and Thomasina Cassidy for travelling to share their expertise.
Schools: We wish good luck to all our young players currently competing in schools' and third-level competitions.
Club Draw: The GAA's National Club Draw is back for 2024, offering great prizes. This is a valuable fundraiser for the club; all support would be appreciated.
Scór: Dátaí don dialann: March 14: Tráth na gCeist i Cremartin agus March 22: Stage Events i Emyvale.
Gaeltacht scholarships: The 2024 Monaghan GAA Gaeltacht Scholarship Scheme is open! Tá scéim scoláireachtaí CLG Mhuineacháin ar oscailt anois! See online for more details and the application form.
Coaching: Monaghan GAA Coaching & Games have some upcoming coach development courses. See online for more information.
Clothing drive: Well done and thank you to everyone who contributed to a third successful year of our Hurling Club's annual clothing drive, which concluded on Monday.
Club app: As well as offering an option to support our lotto, our new club app also has a function to pay your annual membership, make financial donations to the club, as well as a communication suite for all that goes on at the club. You can get involved by downloading 'ClubZap' on your phone and registering as a Monaghan Harps GAA Club member.